Monday, July 5, 2010

Baby Perk - From finding out to Week 24

What we're Pregnant!!! That was my initial reaction. With all that had been going on in our lives during this time (Nov 2009 - Feb 2010) we had not been focusing on trying to have a baby. So, when the stick showed two little pink lines that I was pregnant, we were shocked. Don't get me wrong, James and I were very excited at this wonderful news, it was just unexpected. With the news came a sudden switch back into pregnancy mode. Prenatal vitamins, 64+ oz of water a day, no coffee, set up first prenatal appointment= check, check, check, check. The list continued, but those were the main things I had to adjust for right away.

First Trimester - Months 1-3/Weeks 1-13

The first trimester could not end soon enough. With wanting to get to the "more in the clear zone", week 13 seemed to take forever. Plus, morning sickness had set in. I was crossing my fingers that I would be one of the lucky women that the sickness went away in the second trimester, and it did. Our doctor had us coming in fairly often at first to make sure everything was going well with this pregnancy. We had a total of 3 ultra sounds in the first trimester, which is a little more then normal, but we did not mind at all. Seeing our little Baby Perk always put a smile on our face and brought joy that we had never experienced before. If you haven't figured it out yet "Baby Perk" was what we had nicknamed our little person until finding out if it was a boy or girl. Baby Perk is scheduled to make his/her big debut on October 23, 2010! We can't wait, how about you!?!

Second Trimester - Months 4-6/Weeks 14-27

We made it to the second trimester!!! This was such a happy moment for James and I. With this came unfamiliar territory. Ahhh...only six months to go. I know six months is a long time, but there is a lot to get done! Prep the house for baby, paint the baby's room, set up the baby's room, organize all baby items, deep clean the house, and the list goes on. I was definitely getting ahead of myself since nothing could be done until we found out what we were having. Early on I had a feeling that we were having a girl, but as it got closer to our "BIG" ultrasound date I was starting to second guess that intuition I was having.

Our "BIG" ultrasound appointment was scheduled for Friday, May 28th at 1 o'clock in the afternoon. This was the appointment where the sex of the baby could be determined if we wanted to know...AND WE DID! However, the primary reason for this ultrasound is it's the in depth one that the doctor requires near twenty weeks. They use it to measure and check the baby's development and make sure everything is on track according to the due date. This includes: the size of the baby head to rump, they check the brain, spine, heart (that it has 4 chambers), the stomach, kidneys, and a ton of other things. Everything for Baby Perk looked normal and right on track according to our due date! We both just lit-up at this news :)

Boy or Girl...Boy or Girl...that is what we wanted to know. Drum roll please, IT'S A GIRL!!! James and I caught eyes and just smiled at each other. We were both very happy. We really didn't have a preference as long as our baby was healthy, and she is. Brooke Noelle Perkins, we will be waiting for your arrival come October!

At about 21.5 weeks I began to feel her start moving around, and shortly after James could feel her too. Now at 24 weeks those little flutters have turned into full kicks and punches. It is an amazing feeling. I love getting that unexpected jab that lets me know "Hey Mom, I'm here."
Now that we know we are having a little girl we are getting ready to start painting her room. We are going with a theme called Raspberry Swirl. It has butterflies and polka dots using the colors, pink, green, purple, and brown. We are very excited for this new chapter in our lives to fully begin in October. Remember to check back for further updates on The Perks In Life!

1 comment:

  1. This is from my Mom -
    Honey, I Love Your Blog!! What an awesome way of keeping a diary of your whole experience not only for you to have, but for your daughter to have some day. Plus, I love to read about all the joy and excitement that you and James are both feeling, in experiencing the joy of pregnancy in anticipation of the day that Brooke says Daddy and Mommy. I am ready to be more involved in your lives, so here I am.... I am so excited for you both as well as for me. I can't wait to see my grand-daughter and be a part of her life. I Love You All... From the Grandma To Be....Muah!!!
